Literacy International

Literacy International's Mission

Support education in underserved communities by investing in educational infrastructure, foundational programs, and activities that provide sustained benefits over time to help raise educated children with high morals values, acquire valuable skills to raise their living standard and contribute to society.

Uplifting Existing Schools

Achieved via educational infrastructure improvement and deploying academic assets for improved quality and quantity. Focus is on providing holistic education (theoretical, applied, and social skills).

360°Academic Excellence

Achieved via School Improvement Program (SIP) and Teachers Training Program (TTP) by focusing on administrative best practices, and accountability as well as trained teachers effectively teach a broad spectrum of students.

Establishing Lighthouse School

Building and operating model schools regionally that provide holistic and subsidized education to needy students, and to act as a "mother-ship" entity for other regional schools by sharing academic best practices.

School Transformed
Students Served
Teachers Trained

Our Projects

Below are some of our high-priority academic projects that are currently being assisted and need your generous support...

School Infrastructure Enhancements

AHMS School
Sofipura, Kashmir
Taha School
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
MAHM School
Chandauli, Uttar Pradesh

Click for all  school projects

School Improvement Programs

Innovation Challenge
Fostering Ideas for Innovation
Project Buniyaad
Building Community Centers
STEAM Improvement
Science, Computer, Art Labs and Libraries

School Transformational Programs

Digital Transformation
Faculty Training
Establish Model School


LI 2024 Impact


2024 Uplift event